
    Argentina Declassification Project December 12, 2016
During his landmark visit to Argentina in March, President Obama announced that the U.S. Government would declassify records relating to human rights abuses under Argentina’s 1976-1983...
    Argentina Declassification Project December 12, 2016
During his landmark visit to Argentina in March, President Obama announced that the U.S. Government would declassify records relating to human rights abuses under Argentina’s 1976-1983...

    Argentina Declassification Project 

    December 12, 2016
    During his landmark visit to Argentina in March, President Obama announced that the U.S. Government would declassify records relating to human rights abuses under Argentina’s 1976-1983 dictatorship. At a ceremony commemorating the victims of these human rights abuses, held on the 40th anniversary of the 1976 coup d’etat, President Obama committed to releasing relevant records from across the Executive branch, including for the first time records from U.S. intelligence, law enforcement, and defense agencies. “I believe we have a responsibility to confront the past with honesty and transparency,” President Obama said at the commemoration, where he toured a memorial listing the names of victims and cast white roses in their honor into the Río de la Plata.
    Today, as the Government of Argentina commemorates the life and work of former U.S. diplomat Patricia Derian, the Assistant Secretary of Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs during the Carter administration, the U.S. Government is posting approximately 550 pages of newly declassified documents online at www.icontherecord.tumblr.com. These newly declassified documents are the second set to be released publicly following President Obama’s commitment in March. Secretary of State John F. Kerry presented the first set of documents to Argentine President Mauricio Macri on August 4 in Buenos Aires.
    The documents made available today originate from four Presidential Libraries operated by the National Archives and Records Administration: the Jimmy Carter Presidential Library in Atlanta, Georgia; the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library in Ann Arbor, Michigan; the Ronald W. Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, California; and the George H.W. Bush Presidential Library in College Station, Texas. The documents will also be available to historians in hard copy in the research rooms of these Presidential Libraries.
    The documents released today were retrieved from several national security file series and collections at the four Presidential Libraries, including the Argentina Country Files, individual White House staff member files, meeting files, Presidential correspondence files, and other National Security Council files. Notably, the records from the Carter Presidential Library include documents written by Derian, who advocated tirelessly on behalf of the victims of human rights abuses in Argentina. Documents from the George H.W. Bush Presidential Library cover Vice President Bush’s meetings with Argentine officials and his visit to Argentina to attend the inauguration of President Raúl Alfonsín after democracy was restored. Significantly, the records made available today also include responsive portions from 25 President’s Daily Briefs, including for the first time PDBs from the Carter and Reagan administrations. During these administrations, the PDB was provided to the President by the Director of Central Intelligence and represented the most pressing national security concerns.
    This effort is led by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence with support from the White House and involves the participation of more than 14 agencies and departments. Their work continues and additional documents will be released in 2017. To learn more about the project, visit https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-and-releases.



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  2. Vazamentos Hacking Team mostram a Empresa fornecedora de Surveillance & Malware negociando no brasil.

    Documento vazado referente a empresa italiana de malware e vigilância - Hacking Team - disponibilizado pela Organização de Transparência Wikileaks, mostra relatório sobre vendas de programas maliciosos e espiões no Brasil. O objeto de negociação são 19 Kits: sets de infecção remota (Appliance Injector de rede), incluindo notebook, pendrive e outros acessórios. O representante HT no brasil detecta dois concorrentes que participarão do leilão de compras, junto a órgãos do estado brasileiro, insinuando que pode haver um cartel entre elas. O representante da HT informa que os preços devem ser reduzidos, pois o mesmo já sabe de fonte segura o valor dos adversários são muitos similares (Defensetech & Gama / Cobhan). O preposto da HT afirma que é preciso minar a confiança que os compradores estavam demonstrando nas ferramentas de espionagem de uma das concorrentes - para vencer o leilão. Parece que o Brasil entrou de cabeça na Era Orwell, apesar de apontar como justificativa um motivo nobre, ou seja, o combate a corrupção... Será?

    Today, 8 July 2015, WikiLeaks releases more than 1 million searchable emails from the Italian surveillance malware vendor Hacking Team, which first came under international scrutiny after WikiLeaks publication of the SpyFiles. These internal emails show the inner workings of the controversial global surveillance industry.

    FW: Sales Report

    Date2012-11-16 09:09:44 UTC
    From hackingteam.it

    Attached Files

    212546Brasilian Prospect.docx51.2KiB

    Da:    xxxxxx
    Data: venerdì 16 novembre 2012 03:43
    A:  yyyyyyy
    Cc:  xxxxxxx  Re: Sales Report
    Please check the same attached document (Mac/pages)My comments are in blue in the sequence ...
    Oggetto: Re: Sales Report Dear xxxxx, We have been in contact with various agencies in Brasilia. Below we will give an overview of each client (agencies, content and dates).We would like your attention to the client Federal Police Department whose decision to purchase is to occur within the next 30 days. FEDERAL POLICE DEPARTMENT - DPF- We have been in agency on the 6th of November as we had reported. However, as already reported the agency has made some changes in the basic design. Are added 19 more kits / sets of remote infection (Network Appliance Injector), containing the notebook, pendrive and other accessories.- So we need a quote behalf that is provided 19 more kits / sets of remote infection (Network Appliance Injector), including notebook, pendrive and other accessories.- The mode of purchase is effected ​​through auction in person, attending two companies directly (HT / DEFENSETECH and GAMA / COBHAN.- We have information secure that the competitor (COBHAN) is in Brazil with a 100% stake in a local company run by employee hired locally and is willing to join at a reduced price. Thus, we suggest a review of your quote, as a whole, to allow our whole stay competitive in the race. The possibility exists that the auction be won by a proposed 50% lower than the initial bid, reaching a price level with a gross margin close to zero from the point of view of DefenseTech. The initial bids of both companies is similar.- Finally, we would like to know what will be the mode of transport for software installation on the client? Whether it will be through a medium or donw load, and if it is possible to issue invoices for different HW and SW ? POLICE DEPARTMENT CIVIL DISTRICT OF FEDERAL - PCDF- We confirm the meeting with the agency to 27/nov/2012 days, 2 hours PM.- At the meeting the agency want a complete presentation followed by a proof of concept testing all the functionality of the tool.- Will be provided a room, a projector, a projection screen, a web access point to wired and 3G, plus table for support equipment. Please inform if this is enough or if the team needs more elements.- will participate of the meeting only members of the Intelligence Community and Department projects (PCDF). BRAZILIAN INTELLIGENCE AGENCY - ABIN- We were at the Agency on the 12th (yesterday). The agency wants to make the presentation and proof of concept. It was agreed that they would do an internal meeting to decide the date of the meeting between days 26 and 30 November. As soon as we confirm we inform. ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE - PGR- We made contact with agency and we schedule the meeting for the week 26-30 November. We await confirmation of the date, time and place of the meeting. As soon as we confirm we inform. CONTROL OF AIRCRAFT (BRAZILIAN AIR FORCE) - COMAER- We schedule an appointment for the 20th, at 9 pm with the commander of the agency to confirm the date for the period 26-30 November. BRAZILIAN ARMY - EB- We are finalizing contact aiming at a meeting as soon as possible. NAVY OF BRAZIL - MB- We can not even secure a contact. MILITARY POLICE FEDERAL DISTRICT - PMDF- No budget this year FEDERAL DISTRICT PROSECUTOR AND TERRITORIES - MPDFT- No contact so far. Best Regards,  xxxxxxx Em 12/11/2012, às 08:43,  yyyyy escreveu:

    Hello xxxx, consider the dates as confirmed.Please let us know as soon as possible:- agencies- dates- what they are looking for during the mentioned meetings.   Regards, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Manager HackingTeamMilan Singapore Washington DC
    www.hackingteam.com Email: @hackingteam.comMobile +39 366hone +39 02 0603 Da:  [xxxxxxxxxx}
    Inviato: lunedì 12 novembre 2012 00:01
    A: Macmcmmi
    Cc: 'xxxyyy xxxyyyx yyyx
    Oggetto: Re: Sales Report Hello xxyyyxz, I am well and hope you too! Thank you! We consider the coming of HT to Brasilia (Brazil) very timely in view of the opportunities that are opening here.We figured that the best time for this to occur would be the week of 26 to 30 November 2012, as you suggested. Please confirm that you can so that we can move forward in confirming the dates of visitation to customers in Brasilia. In principle we have confirmed the immediate interest the Department of Civil Police of the Federal District - PCDF (only intelligence team) the Brazilian Intelligence Agency - ABIN and the Attorney General's Office - PGR. They want, plus a full presentation, a proof of concept similar to what was done in the Department of Federal Police. It is possible that during this week we will confirm at least two more clients, including agencies of the Brazilian Armed Forces. Please confirm the presence of HT in Brasilia soon and, if possible, at least about 4 or 5 days available to meet the calendar and make your coming here as productive as possible. We will keep the HT constantly updated on the ongoing development of the business. Best Regards,  xxyyxyxyx Em 09/11/2012, às 12:48, mmmxmxmx escreveu:

    Hello yyyyyyr, how are you?Thank you very much for your last email. It was very clear and made the point on all the open issues in Brazil.I would like to inform you that, if needed, we might be able to be in Brazil during the last week of November.These few days, if necessary, would allow us to meet all the different agencies and run some test with them where needed.   Regards, zzzyzyzyz Account Manager HackingTeamMilan Singapore Washington DC
    www.hackingteam.com Email:  i@hackingteam.comMobile +39 3666Phone +39 02 2906 Da: xxxxxzzz  [mailto:yyyyyy@hotmail.com]
    Inviato: venerdì 9 novembre 2012 01:56
    A:  xxxxxxx
    Cc:  yyyyyyyy
    Oggetto: Sales Report Dear  xxx, Please be advised forward to monitoring the progress of your sales processes already initiated by TECH DEFENSE in Brasilia. Federal Police Department (DPF)The 6th meeting was canceled and moved to today (8).The meeting today (08/nov/2012) occurred without the presence of a competitor.The DPF will effect changes in the basic design on two main points:a) Requirement of tool compatibility with the operating systems used by the DPF;b) Increase the number of kits remote infection (Injector) from 1 to 20 remote units (laptop, pendrive and accessories).On Monday (12) will be sent the new basic design.Until the 26th of this month DPF receive proposals and will make the choice of supplier. Department of Civil Police of the Federal District (PCDF)We schedule another meeting with the technicians of the board for tomorrow night (9).The PCDF's interest in a tool with the features of HT / RCS.The acquisition process of the agency should not start until December this year.The state agency failed to consider the acquisition mode or set the basic design.The competitor FINFISHER already made a proof of concept on the client. Brazilian Intelligence Agency (ABIN)The agency requested a proposed standard before even presenting a proof of concept or a presentation.We schedule another meeting at the agency for day 12 (Monday).We're taking a basic proposal based on the model of PF.Our goal is to undermine confidence that the agency team was demonstrating the competitor's tool and increase the confidence level of the agency in solving HT / RCS.On our last visit body showed great interest in knowing the solution HT / RCS. Sincerely.  <brazilian prospects.docx>


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