Emails da fornecedora de Malware e Vigilância italiana, Hacking Team, dos arquivos da organização de transparência Wikileaks, faz uma analise do NSO Group Technologies, grupo israelense, que trabalha e fornece programas espiões para serviços de inteligência de governos:

"Um ponto-chave de vendas: NSO afirma que pode ajudar a monitorar smartphones de pessoas alvos de agências governamentais."

"Eu não vou escrever uma análise crítica da tecnologia comercializada pelos meus amigos na NSO. Nem vou comparar a tecnologia da NSO com o Hacking Team."

"Estou provavelmente qualificado para afirmar que cada Fornecedor de segurança ofensiva tem seus próprios truques e tal truques podem surpreender, você poderia ser tentado a achar que é mágica, mas é só ciência, é Ciência Computacional."

 "Na arena de segurança de computadores, qualquer truque temtaxa de obsolescência rápida, todo truque é efêmero. É umjogo de gato e rato, realmente - você, a segurança ofensiva fabricante, deve implacavelmente, continuamente e rapidamente atualizar, atualizar, inovar sua tecnologia - sua

“Mágica” - para mantê-lo totalmente operacional."

"Por último mas não menos importante: Hoje, há muito marketing hype no negócio de segurança de computadores."

O documento revela na troca de emails dos agentes da HT,  a irmandade das empresas em trabalhos sujos na WEB. Há uma clara semelhança entre as duas empresas de Malware & Vigilância. Trabalham para agencias de espionagem em todo mundo: 
"O Jornal não pôde verificar, independentemente, se o código realmente ajuda a conduta da lei de
vigilância. Mas pessoas que expressaram preocupação com o NSO capacidades incluem desenvolvedores em quadros de mensagens e funcionários da CIA, de acordo um ex-funcionário dos EUA familiarizado com o intercâmbio. No artigo da Defense News, a empresa disse que tinha foi concedida uma licença de exportação para uma agência governamental no México. A pessoa familiarizada com a recente venda da NSO paraFrancisco disse que a empresa "vende em todo o mundo, apenas para entidades governamentais.”

Today, 8 July 2015, WikiLeaks releases more than 1 million searchable emails from the Italian surveillance malware vendor Hacking Team, which first came under international scrutiny after WikiLeaks publication of the SpyFiles. These internal emails show the inner workings of the controversial global surveillance industry.
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Fwd: Offensive Security: The Israeli NSO (was: Can This Israeli Startup Hack Your Phone?)

Date2014-08-06 13:14:25 UTC

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-------- Original Message --------
Offensive Security: The Israeli NSO (was: Can This
 Israeli Startup Hack Your Phone?) Date:
David Vincenzetti <>
Tue, 5 Aug 2014 04:09:07 +0200 From:
     To: <>

I am NOT going to write a critical analysis of the technology
 marketed by my friends at NSO. 

NOR I am going to contrast NSO’s technology with Hacking
 Team’s technology.

“ “We’re a complete ghost,” NSO co-founder

Omri Lavie told Defense News, a military trade

publication, last summer. “We’re totally transparent to

the target, and we leave no traces.” "

THE following FACTS are notorious:

#1 “Any sufficiently advanced technology is
 indistinguishable from magic.” , the legendary science
 fiction writer Arthur C Clark said;

#2 In this world, there are no things like magic or ghosts;
#3 I am probably qualified to assert that every
 Offensive Security vendor has his own tricks and such
 tricks might astonish you and you could be tempted to
think that it’s magic but it’s only science, it’s Computer

#4 In the computer security arena any trick has a very
 fast obsolescence rate, every trick is ephemeral. It’s a
 cat and mouse game, really — You, the Offensive Security
maker, must relentlessly, continuously and quickly
update, upgrade, innovate your technology — your
“magic” — in order to keep it fully operational;

#5 Last but not least: TODAY, there is A LOT of
 marketing hype in the computer security business.

Enjoy the reading and have a great day!

From Friday’s WSJ/Digits, FYI,

7:00 am ET  |  Aug 1, 2014
This Israeli Startup Hack Your Phone?
 By Danny

German Chancellor Angela Merkel holds a new secure
following reports the National Security Agency bugged
 her mobile phone.

 computer-security companies trumpet their skills and
 accomplishments. Some take another tack altogether,

like NSO Group.

This Israeli startup no longer operates a website.
 But it has peddled its wares to the Mexican
Intelligence Agency officials and recently was bought
government, gotten on the radar of Central
  by an American private equity firm.

A key selling point: NSO claims it can help monitor
 smartphones of people targeted by government agencies.

One person who recently saw a demo by the company
 said its technology silently took over a BlackBerry
 device. On LinkedIn profiles, its engineers also claim
 an expertise in Google’s and Apple’s
mobile operating systems.

NSO operates in a special niche among the many
 companies operating in the field of smartphone
 security, a topic expected
conference in Las Vegas next week. It represents a new
to be a focus of the annual Black Hat security
  push by governments to keep up with the proliferation
of smartphones.

A controversial part about companies like NSO is that
 they usually rely on exploiting security holes in
For the companies to continue operating, these
consumer software to help law enforcement and spies.
   security holes need to be left unpatched.

Surveillance companies counter they help authorities
 track criminals using encrypted communications who
sometimes rapidly change phones.

“We’re a complete ghost,” NSO co-founder Omri Lavie
 told Defense News, a military trade publication, last
 summer. “We’re totally transparent to the target, and
we leave no traces.”

Lavie and other NSO employees declined repeated
 interview requests. But the Journal pieced together
 some details about the company, based on company
disclosures lingering on the Web, people close to the
 firm and foreign press reports.

The company “is a leader in the field of cyber
 warfare,” according to a slide linked to from Lavie’s
 personal website. “Our offering includes coverage of
surgical activity monitoring solution exclusively for
the most popular handset operating systems [and]
  the use of government, law enforcement and
intelligence agencies,” the slide says.

NSO technology “allows remote and stealth monitoring
 and full data extraction from remote targets devices
 via untraceable commands,” the slide says.

Francisco Partners bought the company for $110
 million this spring, a person familiar with the deal
 said. Francisco, which didn’t return repeated requests
 for comment, has invested in companies such as Blue
Coat, whose product include Internet filtering tools.

“It’s a homeland security type company,” the person
 said of NSO. This person said it uses suitcase-size
 devices to intercept mobile phone traffic.

Other details about NSO’s technology remain a
 mystery. On Thursday, the Wall Street Journal reported
 that researchers at the cybersecurity firm Accuvant
size of a small laptop.
found how to hack a phone using fake cell towers the

Defense News, and a person familiar with the firm,
 said the company puts “unauthorized” code on mobile
 phones over the air on Android, BlackBerry and Apple

The Journal couldn’t independently verify whether the
 code actually helps law enforcement conduct

But people that have expressed concern about NSO’s
 capabilities include developers on
one former U.S. official familiar with the exchange.
message boards and CIA officials, according to

In the Defense News article, the company said it had
 been granted an export license to a government agency
 in Mexico.
The person familiar with NSO’s recent sale to
 Francisco said the company “sells all over the world,
 only to government entities.” 

David Vincenzetti

Hacking Team
Milan Singapore Washington DC


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